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As of December 2021, I work as a software engineer for Mastercard. I am a member of an agile backend development team that's responsible for the service layer of a web application and related standalone applications that issuers use to enable their cardholders to use digital payment technologies, like digital wallets (e.g., Apple Pay), click to pay, and contactless payment. I regularly use Java and SQL for development. Prior to joining the team as an employee, I had worked as an apprentice on the team beginning in April 2021. The apprenticeship was run through LaunchCode

I started the Box of Cubes programming blog in May 2020. Until November 2021, I wrote about things I was working on, having trouble with, learning, and so on. I also posted project run-throughs, in which I explained a program I've finished step by step. 

In January-February 2021, I wrote a Java web application for simple machine learning. Users can submit linear datasets (or use a sample dataset), set the parameters for a gradient descent algorithm, train a model of the dataset using those parameters, evaluate and retrain the model to their liking, test their model, and make predictions about new data using their model. Users with accounts can also save datasets and models for future use. (Blog) (GitHub)

In October 2020, I wrote a Python program that scrapes artworks from the National Gallery of Art website, has the user rate whether they like or dislike the artwork, and builds a model of the user's art preferences over time via a logistic regression algorithm (the input to which is an array of the image's pixel intensity values). The program filters the set of scraped artworks through its model of the user's preferences, and only shows them the artworks it predicts the user will like. The goal is to, with time, show the user more and more artworks they like and fewer they dislike. The program is run from the command line. (Blog) (GitHub)

In August 2020, I wrote a mock Tetris game for Arduino. The program is written in the Arduino language. I built a small gaming device with buttons and an OLED screen for playing the game. (Blog) (GitHub)

In January 2021, I wrote a sleep cycle alarm for Arduino. The user can select whether to use a 6-, 7.5-, or 9-hour timer for sleeping, as sleep cycles run in 90-minute increments. The goal is for the user to wake up at the right point in their sleep cycle so they feel refreshed. This is prioritized over waking up at the same time each morning. The program makes use of a few buttons and LEDS and a buzzer. (Blog) (GitHub)

I've gone through a number of machine learning examples using various machine learning algorithms and datasets on my blog - univariate, polynomial, and multivariate linear and logistic regression, multiclass logistic regression, and a neural network. 

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